Perspective: The State of American Democracy
Three political science faculty provide their insights into American democracy
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The Broken Machine
By Steve Neumann
As the World Burns
Retiring theatre professor Pam Pepper closes her career with The Broken Machine, a timely play by the Theodore U. Horger ’61 Endowed Artist-in-Residence Liz Duffy Adams
Koula Sossiadis Kazista
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Greek Drama
Koula Sossiadis Kazista ’95 celebrates and questions family and tradition in her new film
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By Chris Quirk
Drilling Into What Killed the Dinosaurs
Sean Gulick ‘99G studies an asteroid impact site as record of dinosaur extinction
Marc Falato
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By Wendy Greenberg
From Banking to Broadway
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By Weld Royal '88
From South Bethlehem to Sierra Leone for Safe Motherhood
A trip to Sierra Leone inspires student to develop a docuseries about childbirth
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Lehigh Alumnus Took His Learning Global
John Franchini '92 uses his interest in exploring countries and cultures as part of a successful legal career.